Secure NetOps, cyber security for your small to mid-sized business

Bringing you Experience and Proactive Diligence.

A word from Caleb Seelhoff, Owner and Operations Manager at Secure NetOps

I see world-changing small businesses working hard to grow their business and institutions and the IT Teams behind the scenes work tirelessly to keep all systems online and running smoothly.

But unfortunately, in our work, we find that many companies, small businesses, and their IT Teams are not well equipped to handle a surprise cyber security incident.

That’s why Secure NetOps exists today. We wanted to step in and fill that need that often goes unmet; Keeping you, your business’ and your customers data all safe and secure within your online systems with better, cleaner, more efficient security systems.

We’ll help you stay on top of your cyber security by also helping you keep up to date on all legal regulations concerning how safe your systems need to be in order to continue operating.

As the business owner, or the management team, you wear many hats and are responsible for keeping things running smoothly. And if a cyber attack were to ever strike, we want you to know you’re fully supported, even if it feels complex and out of control.

With over 15 years in cyber security, my team of fellow experts and I will make sure you experience the best service, whether preventative, proactive, or in a crisis. We ALSO want to make sure we can help you and your IT team understand this sometimes complex topic so it becomes easier to maintain safety in your security systems.

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