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Here’s How We Can Help:

1) Recover. In A Cyber Emergency? Contact us right away!

Depending on the case, we offer an hourly rate or a flat rate. But your first hour of consulting is free. Why? Because often, when your business experiences a cyber incident, it’s not something you planned for. And we want you to be able to get help as soon as possible.

2) Assess. Routine Security Assessments - identify potential threats.

We offer Preventative Assessments of your current online security to ensure all your systems continue to run smoothly and you can feel confident that your website and databases are safe against hacking. Penetration Testing and Assessing Cybersecurity Posture.

3) Protect. IT Support & System Hardening.

We work alongside your current IT team to develop robust, hack-resistant systems and a team that feels confident in what they do.

Use the form below to tell us about your current needs and to request a consultation with us, and we’ll get back to you promptly to schedule an appointment. Include what industry your small business identifies with so we can know better how to serve you. To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having or your primary need before telling us what you want to achieve. We may be able to better assist you this way. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day.


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(612) 217-0161

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24/7 Service for Cybersecurity Emergencies

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